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CEO Elizabeth Hale Talks Arizona Probate from Start to Finish in National Business Institute Seminar
August 22, 2023
Managing an estate after an individual passes away is rarely straightforward – especially when it comes to financials. And when unique tax and reporting requirements come into play, priorities and the way forward become increasingly complicated.
In a recent seminar for the National Business Institute (NBI), CEO Elizabeth Hale demystifies these crucial cornerstones of probate and more. From requesting deadline extensions to beneficiary income tax considerations, Elizabeth provides a comprehensive roadmap to handling all things accounting when it comes to settling an estate. She also documents pitfalls both common and unique – whether deciding when to file form 706, managing property taxes or being cognizant of Generation Skipping Transfer (GST) tax implications.
Ultimately, the seminar provides an essential foundation for understanding the final tax returns timeline, forms, filing procedures and the complexities that may arise during probate.
Check out the full NBI seminar here.